Kùzu C++ API
No Matches
types.h File Reference
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "api.h"
#include "cast.h"
#include "copy_constructors.h"
#include "internal_id_t.h"
#include "interval_t.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  kuzu::common::overflow_value_t
struct  kuzu::common::list_entry_t
struct  kuzu::common::struct_entry_t
struct  kuzu::common::map_entry_t
struct  kuzu::common::union_entry_t
class  kuzu::common::LogicalType
class  kuzu::common::ExtraTypeInfo
class  kuzu::common::DecimalTypeInfo
class  kuzu::common::ListTypeInfo
class  kuzu::common::ArrayTypeInfo
class  kuzu::common::StructField
class  kuzu::common::StructTypeInfo
struct  kuzu::common::DecimalType
struct  kuzu::common::ListType
struct  kuzu::common::ArrayType
struct  kuzu::common::StructType
struct  kuzu::common::MapType
struct  kuzu::common::UnionType
struct  kuzu::common::PhysicalTypeUtils
struct  kuzu::common::LogicalTypeUtils


namespace  kuzu
namespace  kuzu::processor
namespace  kuzu::common


concept  kuzu::common::IntegerTypes
concept  kuzu::common::NumericTypes
concept  kuzu::common::ComparableTypes
concept  kuzu::common::HashablePrimitive
concept  kuzu::common::IndexHashable
concept  kuzu::common::HashableNonNestedTypes
concept  kuzu::common::HashableNestedTypes
concept  kuzu::common::HashableTypes


using kuzu::common::sel_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::hash_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::page_idx_t = uint32_t
using kuzu::common::frame_idx_t = page_idx_t
using kuzu::common::page_offset_t = uint32_t
using kuzu::common::file_idx_t = uint32_t
using kuzu::common::page_group_idx_t = uint32_t
using kuzu::common::frame_group_idx_t = page_group_idx_t
using kuzu::common::property_id_t = uint32_t
using kuzu::common::column_id_t = property_id_t
using kuzu::common::idx_t = uint32_t
using kuzu::common::block_idx_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::struct_field_idx_t = uint8_t
using kuzu::common::union_field_idx_t = struct_field_idx_t
using kuzu::common::row_idx_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::node_group_idx_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::partition_idx_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::length_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::list_size_t = uint32_t
using kuzu::common::sequence_id_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::transaction_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::executor_id_t = uint64_t
using kuzu::common::executor_info = std::unordered_map<executor_id_t, uint64_t>
using kuzu::common::logical_type_vec_t = std::vector<LogicalType>


enum class  kuzu::common::LogicalTypeID : uint8_t {
  kuzu::common::ANY = 0 , kuzu::common::NODE = 10 , kuzu::common::REL = 11 , kuzu::common::RECURSIVE_REL = 12 ,
  kuzu::common::SERIAL = 13 , kuzu::common::BOOL = 22 , kuzu::common::INT64 = 23 , kuzu::common::INT32 = 24 ,
  kuzu::common::INT16 = 25 , kuzu::common::INT8 = 26 , kuzu::common::UINT64 = 27 , kuzu::common::UINT32 = 28 ,
  kuzu::common::UINT16 = 29 , kuzu::common::UINT8 = 30 , kuzu::common::INT128 = 31 , kuzu::common::DOUBLE = 32 ,
  kuzu::common::FLOAT = 33 , kuzu::common::DATE = 34 , kuzu::common::TIMESTAMP = 35 , kuzu::common::TIMESTAMP_SEC = 36 ,
  kuzu::common::TIMESTAMP_MS = 37 , kuzu::common::TIMESTAMP_NS = 38 , kuzu::common::TIMESTAMP_TZ = 39 , kuzu::common::INTERVAL = 40 ,
  kuzu::common::DECIMAL = 41 , kuzu::common::INTERNAL_ID = 42 , kuzu::common::STRING = 50 , kuzu::common::BLOB = 51 ,
  kuzu::common::LIST = 52 , kuzu::common::ARRAY = 53 , kuzu::common::STRUCT = 54 , kuzu::common::MAP = 55 ,
  kuzu::common::UNION = 56 , kuzu::common::RDF_VARIANT = 57 , kuzu::common::POINTER = 58 , kuzu::common::UUID = 59
enum class  kuzu::common::PhysicalTypeID : uint8_t {
  kuzu::common::ANY = 0 , kuzu::common::BOOL = 1 , kuzu::common::INT64 = 2 , kuzu::common::INT32 = 3 ,
  kuzu::common::INT16 = 4 , kuzu::common::INT8 = 5 , kuzu::common::UINT64 = 6 , kuzu::common::UINT32 = 7 ,
  kuzu::common::UINT16 = 8 , kuzu::common::UINT8 = 9 , kuzu::common::INT128 = 10 , kuzu::common::DOUBLE = 11 ,
  kuzu::common::FLOAT = 12 , kuzu::common::INTERVAL = 13 , kuzu::common::INTERNAL_ID = 14 , kuzu::common::STRING = 20 ,
  kuzu::common::LIST = 22 , kuzu::common::ARRAY = 23 , kuzu::common::STRUCT = 24 , kuzu::common::POINTER = 25
enum class  kuzu::common::FileVersionType : uint8_t { kuzu::common::ORIGINAL = 0 , kuzu::common::WAL_VERSION = 1 }


constexpr page_idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_PAGE_IDX = UINT32_MAX
constexpr file_idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_FILE_IDX = UINT32_MAX
constexpr property_id_t kuzu::common::INVALID_PROPERTY_ID = UINT32_MAX
constexpr column_id_t kuzu::common::INVALID_COLUMN_ID = INVALID_PROPERTY_ID
constexpr column_id_t kuzu::common::ROW_IDX_COLUMN_ID = INVALID_COLUMN_ID - 1
constexpr idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_IDX = UINT32_MAX
constexpr block_idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_BLOCK_IDX = UINT64_MAX
constexpr struct_field_idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_STRUCT_FIELD_IDX = UINT8_MAX
constexpr row_idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_ROW_IDX = UINT64_MAX
constexpr uint32_t kuzu::common::UNDEFINED_CAST_COST = UINT32_MAX
constexpr node_group_idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_NODE_GROUP_IDX = UINT64_MAX
constexpr partition_idx_t kuzu::common::INVALID_PARTITION_IDX = UINT64_MAX
constexpr transaction_t kuzu::common::INVALID_TRANSACTION = UINT64_MAX