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ANY - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


BLOB - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
BOOL - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


checkNotDestroyed() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Check if the Value has been destroyed.
clone() - Method in class com.kuzudb.DataType
Clone the data type instance.
clone() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Clone the Value.
close() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Close the connection and release the underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Database
Close the database and release the underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.kuzudb.DataType
Close the datatype and release the underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.kuzudb.FlatTuple
Close the flat tuple and release the underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.kuzudb.PreparedStatement
Close the prepared statement and release the underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Close the query result and release the underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Close the value and release the underlying resources.
com.kuzudb - package com.kuzudb
Kùzu Java API.
Connection - Class in com.kuzudb
Connection is used to interact with a Database instance.
Connection(Database) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.Connection
Creates a connection to the database.
copy(Value) - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Copy the Value from another Value.
createDefault(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Create a default Value with the given data type.
createNull() - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Create a null Value.
createNullWithDataType(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Create a null Value with the given data type.


Database - Class in com.kuzudb
The Database class is the main class of KuzuDB.
Database() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.Database
Creates a database object.
Database(String) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.Database
Creates a database object.
Database(String, long, boolean, boolean, long) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.Database
Creates a database object.
DataType - Class in com.kuzudb
DataType is the kuzu internal representation of data types.
DataType(DataTypeID) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.DataType
Create a non-nested DataType object from its internal ID.
DataType(DataTypeID, DataType, long) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.DataType
DataTypeID - Enum Class in com.kuzudb
data type ID.
DATE - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
DECIMAL - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


equals(DataType) - Method in class com.kuzudb.DataType
Returns true if the given data type is equal to the other data type, false otherwise.
execute(PreparedStatement, Map<String, Value>) - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Executes the given prepared statement with args and returns the result.


FlatTuple - Class in com.kuzudb
FlatTuple stores a vector of values.
FlatTuple() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.FlatTuple
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


getChildType() - Method in class com.kuzudb.DataType
Returns the child type of the given data type.
getColumnDataType(long) - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the column data type at the given index.
getColumnName(long) - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the column name at the given index.
getCompilingTime() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QuerySummary
Get the compiling time of the query.
getDataType() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Get the data type of the Value.
getDstID(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
Get dst id of the given rel value.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.kuzudb.PreparedStatement
Get the error message if the query is not prepared successfully.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the error message if any.
getExecutionTime() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QuerySummary
Get the execution time of the query.
getFieldNameByIndex(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueStructUtil
Get the name of the field at the given index from the given struct value.
getFixedNumElementsInList() - Method in class com.kuzudb.DataType
Returns the fixed number of elements in the list of the given data type.
getID() - Method in class com.kuzudb.DataType
Returns the enum internal id of the given data type.
getID(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueNodeUtil
Get the internal ID of the node value.
getIndexByFieldName(Value, String) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueStructUtil
Get the index of the field with the given name from the given struct value.
getKey(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueMapUtil
Get the key from the given map value by the given index.
getLabelName(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueNodeUtil
Get the label name of the node value.
getLabelName(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
Get the label name of the rel value.
getListElement(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueListUtil
Get the element at the given index from the given list value.
getListSize(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueListUtil
Get the size of the list value.
getMaxNumThreadForExec() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Return the maximum number of threads used for execution in the current connection.
getNext() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the next tuple.
getNextQueryResult() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the next query result.
getNodeList(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRecursiveRelUtil
Get the node list from the given recursive_rel value.
getNumColumns() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the number of columns in the query result.
getNumFields(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueMapUtil
Get the number of fields of the map value.
getNumFields(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueStructUtil
Get the number of fields of the struct value.
getNumTuples() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the number of tuples in the query result.
getPropertyNameAt(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueNodeUtil
Get the property name at the given index from the given node value.
getPropertyNameAt(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
Get the property name at the given index from the given rel value.
getPropertySize(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueNodeUtil
Get the property size of the node value.
getPropertySize(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
Get the property size of the rel value.
getPropertyValueAt(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueNodeUtil
Get the property value at the given index from the given node value.
getPropertyValueAt(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
Get the property value at the given index from the given rel value.
getQuerySummary() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Get the query summary.
getRelList(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRecursiveRelUtil
Get the rel list from the given recursive_rel value.
getSrcID(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
Get src id of the given rel value.
getStorageVersion() - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Version
Get the storage version of the Kùzu.
getValue() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Get the actual value from the Value.
getValue(long) - Method in class com.kuzudb.FlatTuple
Get the value at the given index.
getValue(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueMapUtil
Get the value from the given map value by the given index.
getValueByFieldName(Value, String) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueStructUtil
Get the value of the field with the given name from the given struct value.
getValueByIndex(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueStructUtil
Get the value of the field at the given index from the given struct value.
getVersion() - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Version
Get the version of the Kùzu.


hasNext() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Return if the query result has next tuple or not.
hasNextQueryResult() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Return if the query result has next query result or not.


INT128 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
INT16 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
INT32 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
INT64 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
INT8 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
INTERNAL_ID - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
InternalID - Class in com.kuzudb
InternalID type which stores the table_id and offset of a node/rel.
InternalID(long, long) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.InternalID
Create a InternalID from the given table_id and offset.
interrupt() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Interrupts all queries currently executed within this connection.
INTERVAL - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
isNull() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Check if the Value is null.
isOwnedByCPP() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
isOwnedByCPP() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
isSuccess() - Method in class com.kuzudb.PreparedStatement
Check if the query is prepared successfully or not.
isSuccess() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Check if the query is executed successfully.


kuzu_connection_destroy(Connection) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_execute(Connection, PreparedStatement, Map<String, Value>) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_get_max_num_thread_for_exec(Connection) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_init(Database) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_interrupt(Connection) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_prepare(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_query(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_set_max_num_thread_for_exec(Connection, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_connection_set_query_timeout(Connection, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_data_type_clone(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_data_type_create(DataTypeID, DataType, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_data_type_destroy(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_data_type_equals(DataType, DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_data_type_get_child_type(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_data_type_get_id(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_data_type_get_num_elements_in_array(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_database_destroy(Database) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_database_init(String, long, boolean, boolean, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_database_set_logging_level(String) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_flat_tuple_destroy(FlatTuple) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_flat_tuple_get_value(FlatTuple, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_flat_tuple_to_string(FlatTuple) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_get_storage_version() - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_get_version() - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_native_reload_library(String) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_node_val_get_id(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_node_val_get_label_name(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_node_val_get_property_name_at(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_node_val_get_property_size(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_node_val_get_property_value_at(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_node_val_to_string(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_prepared_statement_destroy(PreparedStatement) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_prepared_statement_get_error_message(PreparedStatement) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_prepared_statement_is_success(PreparedStatement) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_destroy(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_column_data_type(QueryResult, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_column_name(QueryResult, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_error_message(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_next(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_next_query_result(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_num_columns(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_num_tuples(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_get_query_summary(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_has_next(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_has_next_query_result(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_is_success(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_reset_iterator(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_query_result_to_string(QueryResult) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_rel_val_get_dst_id(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_rel_val_get_label_name(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_rel_val_get_property_name_at(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_rel_val_get_property_size(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_rel_val_get_property_value_at(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_rel_val_get_src_id(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_rel_val_to_string(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_clone(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_copy(Value, Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_create_default(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_create_null() - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_create_null_with_data_type(DataType) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_create_value(T) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_destroy(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_get_data_type(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_get_list_element(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_get_list_size(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_get_struct_field_name(Value, long) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_get_struct_index(Value, String) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_get_value(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_is_null(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_set_null(Value, boolean) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native
kuzu_value_to_string(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.Native


LIST - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


MAP - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


Native - Class in com.kuzudb
Native is a wrapper class for the native library.
Native() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.Native
NODE - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


ObjectRefDestroyedException - Exception Class in com.kuzudb
ObjectRefDestroyedException is thrown when a destroyed object is accessed or destroyed again.
ObjectRefDestroyedException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.kuzudb.ObjectRefDestroyedException
offset - Variable in class com.kuzudb.InternalID


prepare(String) - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Prepares the given query and returns the prepared statement.
PreparedStatement - Class in com.kuzudb
PreparedStatement is a parameterized query which can avoid planning the same query for repeated execution.
PreparedStatement() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.PreparedStatement


query(String) - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Executes the given query and returns the result.
QueryResult - Class in com.kuzudb
QueryResult stores the result of a query execution.
QueryResult() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
QuerySummary - Class in com.kuzudb
QuerySummary stores the execution time, plan, compiling time and query options of a query.
QuerySummary(double, double) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.QuerySummary
Construct a new query summary.


RECURSIVE_REL - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
REL - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
resetIterator() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Reset the query result iterator.


SERIAL - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
setMaxNumThreadForExec(long) - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Sets the maximum number of threads to use for execution in the current connection.
setNull(boolean) - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Set the Value to null.
setQueryTimeout(long) - Method in class com.kuzudb.Connection
Sets the query timeout value of the current connection.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
STRUCT - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


tableId - Variable in class com.kuzudb.InternalID
TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
TIMESTAMP_MS - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
TIMESTAMP_NS - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
TIMESTAMP_SEC - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
TIMESTAMP_TZ - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
toString() - Method in class com.kuzudb.FlatTuple
Convert the flat tuple to string.
toString() - Method in class com.kuzudb.QueryResult
Convert the query result to string.
toString() - Method in class com.kuzudb.Value
Convert the Value to string.
toString(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueNodeUtil
Convert the node value to string.
toString(Value) - Static method in class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
Convert the given rel value to string.


UINT16 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
UINT32 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
UINT64 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
UINT8 - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
UNION - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
UUID - Enum constant in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID


v_ref - Variable in class com.kuzudb.Value
value - Variable in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
Value - Class in com.kuzudb
Value can hold data of different types.
Value(T) - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.Value
Construct a Value from a val.
ValueListUtil - Class in com.kuzudb
Utility functions for Value of list type.
ValueListUtil() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.ValueListUtil
ValueMapUtil - Class in com.kuzudb
Utility functions for Value of map type.
ValueMapUtil() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.ValueMapUtil
ValueNodeUtil - Class in com.kuzudb
Utility functions for Value of node type.
ValueNodeUtil() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.ValueNodeUtil
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
ValueRecursiveRelUtil - Class in com.kuzudb
Utility functions for Value of recursive_rel type.
ValueRecursiveRelUtil() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.ValueRecursiveRelUtil
ValueRelUtil - Class in com.kuzudb
Utility functions for Value of rel type.
ValueRelUtil() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.ValueRelUtil
values() - Static method in enum class com.kuzudb.DataTypeID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
ValueStructUtil - Class in com.kuzudb
Utility functions for Value of struct type.
ValueStructUtil() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.ValueStructUtil
Version - Class in com.kuzudb
Version is a class to get the version of the Kùzu.
Version() - Constructor for class com.kuzudb.Version
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