A highly scalable, extremely fast, easy-to-use embeddable graph database

Core Features

  • Graph-based Modeling & Querying

    Property graph data model
    Cypher query language
  • Graph-optimized Storage & Query Execution

    Columnar storage and indices
    Vectorized and factorized query processor
    Novel and very fast join algorithms
    Multi-core query parallelism
  • Simple and Feature-rich

    Embeddable, serverless integration into applications
    Serializable transactions
    Zero-copy integration with Python graph data science libraries, such as Pytorch Geometric and NetworkX
  • Free

    Permissive MIT License


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    Our Community

    James McNeill

    James McNeill

    I've enjoyed spending time with Kuzu and this blog neatly summarised why I like it (namely, how it interops so easily with relational sets - arrow, parquet etc)

    Vinay Iyengar

    Vinay Iyengar

    Finally, a whole host of new technologies from embedded databases (@duckdb, @kuzudb) and open table formats (@ApacheIceberg, @apachehudi) are making it easier to query data in object storage and analyze "small" data on a local machine/single node.

    Chris Norman

    Chris Norman

    One of my favorite recent discoveries is @kuzudb. Super lightweight and supports the Cypher query language, such a nice project for graph analytics.

    Jeong Yitae

    Jeong Yitae

    Kùzu is a really good graph database. If DuckDB is as an emerging power in the relational database world, there is Kùzu in the GDBMS world, and it is open source and faithful to the basics.

    Francois Vanderseypen

    Francois Vanderseypen

    KuzuDB has straightforward integrations with Polars, NetworkX, Pandas, PyArrow and...Torch Geometric! Meaning that you can export data towards Graph Machine Learning with one method call.

    Chris Riccomini

    Chris Riccomini

    Embedded DBs are having a renaissance.
    RDBMS: SQLite
    OLAP: DuckDB
    Graph: KuzuDB
    Search: Chroma
    The developer experience is so good on these. Things just work. Really cool to see.


    Kùzu is built by a team of developers at Kùzu Inc, a company based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
    Reach out to us at [email protected], or on Discord.

    Semih Salihoğlu

    Semih Salihoğlu

    CEO & Co-founder

    Guodong Jin

    Guodong Jin

    Software Engineer & Co-founder

    Xiyang Feng

    Xiyang Feng

    Software Engineer & Co-founder

    Ziyi Chen

    Ziyi Chen

    Software Engineer & Co-founder

    Chang Liu

    Chang Liu

    DevOps Engineer & Co-founder

    Benjamin Winger

    Benjamin Winger

    Software Engineer

    Prashanth Rao

    Prashanth Rao

    AI Engineer

    Cihan Bıyıkoğlu

    Cihan Bıyıkoğlu


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    Kùzu Inc. provides professional support for using Kùzu, ensuring timely responses and flexible coverage. Contact us for more information.

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